November 1, 2022

Mobile AR Advertising Set to Take Off


QR smartphone scanner examples include scanning product QR codes in-store, scanning codes found on print publications, restaurant menus, apparel shops, electronic stores, shopping centers, groceries, healthcare services, and for payments or using features like Snapchat�s Snapcode and Instagram�s ... Nametags. Also includes Amazon�s SmileCodes, which are QR code boxes in ads that users can scan, which lead to Amazon product pages or other mobile content. AR enables a user to interact with virtual objects and other types of digital information overlaid over the real world. Examples of AR include filters of videos and photos (e.g., Snapchat Lenses); games (e.g., Pok�mon Go); shopping (e.g., Ikea Place app, Sephora Virtual Artist); navigation ( e.g., via head-up displays); object interactions (e.g., Blippar); 3D product demos and projections via headsets (e.g., enterprise applications); and training via headsets (e.g., HoloAnatomy). Mobile ad spending includes classifieds, display (banners, rich media, video, and other), email, lead generation, messaging-based advertising, and search advertising.More

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