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April 9, 2024

Personalization Features Most Valued by Consumers in the US and Europe, Feb 2024 (% of respondents)

Personalization Features Most Valued by Consumers in the US and Europe, Feb 2024 (% of respondents)


This data is being featured as part of our special coverage of AI in Marketing.


Data is from the April 2024 Adobe and Econsultancy report titled "Global Digital Trends." 8,600 client-side marketers, agency executives, consultants, and marketing technology vendors were surveyed during January 1-February 19, 2024. Respondents include client-side marketers (76%) and agency executives, consultants, and marketing technology vendors (24%) from companies with a business focus of B2B (23%), B2C (32%), and both markets (45%) located in Europe (45%), North America (32%), and Asia-Pacific (22%), drawn from Econsultancy and Adobe lists and external panels. In addition, 6,800 consumers ages 18-74 in the US, UK, France, and Germany were surveyed online during February 1-13, 2024. Consumer respondents engaged with brands online within the past 3 months.