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March 12, 2020

Which Facebook Activities Have US Facebook Users Done in the Past Month? (% of respondents, March 2020)

Which Facebook Activities Have US Facebook Users Done in the Past Month? (% of respondents, March 2020)


Facebook users in the US were asked which Facebook activities they have done in the past month. Activities include sending a message on Facebook Messenger, browsing their feeds for posts from friends or accounts they follow, watching videos in feeds, posting a photo, written status update or video ... to their feed, visiting/using a Facebook Group, watching other's Facebook Stories, clicking or tapping on an ad on Facebook, watching a video on Facebook Watch, shopping or buying things from Facebook Marketplace, swiping up on a Facebook Story and more.More


Data was provided to eMarketer by Bizrate Insights.


Data is from the March 2020 "eMarketer Facebook Flash Survey" conducted in March 2020 by Bizrate Insights. 1,899 US adults ages 18+ were surveyed online during March 2020. US internet users identified as female (55%), male (38%) and not identified (6%). US internet users identified as 18-34 (13%), 35-54 (26%) and 55-65+ (45%). Respondents were members of Bizrate Rewards, the Bizrate Consumer Panel operated by Bizrate Insights, which is comprised of over 2 million panelists who provide feedback based on their experiences and opinions. At the time of joining the panel, each panelist stated they had shopped online. The Bizrate Rewards panel is comprised of a broad demographic profile which represents a sampling of all ages, education levels, genders and incomes.